SAP NVMe-OF Characterization



  With advancements in storage hardware has come the introduction of new networking protocols for storage. The storage systems at SAP utilize NFS for accessing data remotely. Changing to a newer network protocol for remote storage may better utilize newer and faster storage hardware. NVMe drives are an example of newer flash hardware that is set to compete against older alternatives such as hard disks. With this new storage technology has come newer network protocols that can take advantage of the hardware. NVMe Over Fabrics is a network protocol which uses a variety of transport types to access NVMe drives over different fabrics.

The goal of this project is to investigate and create a characterization of these NVMe systems. Our investigation will be focused on the network latency and bandwidth of these systems, as well as CPU usage within the host's storage layers. These measurements will provide a valuable insight into the costs of running these systems and aid SAP with deciding on which network protocol to adapt into their systems.



Project Images:




Team Members:


Steven Resendiz

Bio: Steven Resendiz is graduating June 2021 with a BS in Computer Science. He is interested in algorithm optimization and networking, and is interested in finding an entry-level position this summer.





Michael Wang


Bio: Michael Wang is graduating June 2021 with a BS in Computer Engineering. He is interested in embedded systems and self-driving AI applications and excited to pursue a Master’s in embedded systems this upcoming fall at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 



Dylan Yong

Bio: Dylan Yong is graduating in June 2021 with a BS in Computer Engineering with a Networks concentration. He has a particular interest in embedded systems and networks, and looks forward to entering the workforce this Summer.




Aaron Nguyen


Bio: Aaron Nguyen is graduating June 2021 with a BS in Computer Engineering.


Christopher Calderon


Bio: Christopher Calderon is graduating June 2021 with a BS in Computer Engineering and a digital hardware concentration. He is interested in designing computer hardware and will be joining the workforce this Summer.


Other Partners Day 2021 Projects

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Spark IP Address API
Dell Cloud Garbage Collection
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NVMe-OF Characterization
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Portable PLA Spectrometer
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Simple Sort - Automated Trash, Compost, and Recycling Bin
Automated Greenhouse
Autonomous Fog Water Collector
Dynamic Bicycle Safety
Passive Biosensor Suite
Facial Recognition Door Lock
Mood Tracking Biosensor
Affordable Piano Amplification